We believe in a better, simpler, more confident way to invest and plan.

We also believe that investing is the best thing someone can do for their future, their family and their loved ones.

Discover the courage and tools you need to invest in yourself - however you choose.


Invest In Yourself
Chadd Mason

Who We Are

We bring traditional financial services, legal counsel, retirement solutions and wealth management under one roof. Our mission is to empower individuals, small businesses, and major institutions to reach long-term financial goals.

What We Do

Through our combined team of professionals, tools and products, we are changing the way that advisors and investors think about and plan for the future. We believe our approach to planning and investing minimizes fear and uncertainty with collaboration, transparency and technology.

Our Story

We’ve come a long way over the past decade, but our belief that nothing is more important than investing in yourself, your family and your loved ones still rings true throughout everything we do.

Our Story


In the early 2000s, after his family lost a large sum of inheritance to the 2000-2002 recession, our CEO Chadd Mason dedicated his life to investment education. He spent years immersing himself in the industry by meeting with professionals, speaking with peers and investing his own money - but mostly, he spent night after night reading books like The Intelligent Investor, Technical Analysis of Financial Markets and Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis - all of which play a huge part in our current investment philosophy.

Our Story


Chadd and long-time friend, law school buddy and tennis partner Louis Shaff decided to embark on the journey to providing their friends, family members and colleagues a new way of managing risk and planning for their financial futures. At this time, the name “Cabana” was decided while on a beach vacation with their families.

Our Story


With the help of a small team, Chadd released a proprietary algorithm designed to help shelter investors from risk by striving to limit losses during down markets, while still participating in up markets. The science behind the algorithm was developed over five years and tested across varying market cycles, including the bear market of 2001-2003 and the market crash of 2008-2009. Cabana’s Cyclical Asset Reallocation Algorithm (“CARA”) drives the investment decision making in all of Cabana’s Target Drawdown Portfolios.

Learn More About CARA
Target Drawdown Series


The firm expanded into the institutional space with the goal of offering its portfolios and services to more advisors and clients across the country. As a result of this expansion, Cabana created multiple variations of the original Model Portfolio to suit the needs of investors across the risk spectrum. Those portfolios are now part of the first-ever Target Drawdown Series.

Learn More About The Target Drawdown Series
Cabana's Fayetteville Office


We relocated our headquarters to the famous Fay Jones building in downtown Fayetteville. The building's architecture and local roots hold significant weight in Cabana’s branding and overall mission.

Thank You

For over ten years we've been proudly helping clients, their families and their businesses realize their dreams and discover confidence to invest, plan and grow. Thank you for your trust in us. Today we are able to share in the milestones and successes of hundreds of clients and advisor partners across the country.

Fayetteville Office

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