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7 months ago

Are the Past Two Very Unprecedented Years Finally Coming to an End?: Market Commentary from Cabana’s CEO – December 22, 2023 

Stock and bond markets have managed to churn higher over the past week, despite increased volatility. We are still seeing much-needed catch-up in sectors such as financials, real estate and industrials. Small and mid-caps are outperforming the mega-cap tech darlings of the past year. I pointed out earlier this week that I believe this is… Read the full article.

9 months ago

Stocks Spent the Past Week Bouncing from Oversold Conditions: Market Commentary from Cabana’s CEO – October 16, 2023 

Stocks spent last week bouncing from oversold conditions that resulted from the pullback that began in August. The market-leading Nasdaq and cap-weighted S&P 500 found support just above their 200-day moving averages and, importantly, for the S&P 500 just above the important 420 level (SPY). I have included a six-month chart below for reference. The… Read the full article.

10 months ago

Is the Recent Lack of Volatility Just the Calm Before the Storm? Or a New Healthy Normal?: Market Commentary from Cabana’s CEO – September 18, 2023

As of Friday, major stock indices are churning right at their respective 50 day moving averages. This follows a plethora of economic reports last week. We got inflation data, unemployment and retail sales during the last three days of the week. All of it can be summed up as “in line” or slightly above expectations…. Read the full article.

11 months ago

Major Stock Indices Pull Themselves out of Last Week’s Ditch Ahead of Labor Day Weekend: Market Commentary from Cabana’s CEO – September 2, 2023 

The major stock indices appear to have pulled themselves out of the “ditch” described last week. We saw all big three reclaim their respective 50-day simple moving averages. The rebound came on the back of a plethora of economic reports this week, including the Federal Reserve’s preferred inflation gauge, the Personal Consumption Expenditures Index. We also… Read the full article.