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6 years ago

The Cabana Newsletter: January 2018

Below is a link to Cabana’s January 2018 newsletter – complete with reports of a record-breaking year, positive performance in all of Cabana’s portfolios, industry news, opinion articles and more! CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO DOWNLOAD A FULL COPY. Cabana January 2018 Newsletter

6 years ago

Financial Planning in 2018

The start of a new year is a great time to step back, evaluate your current financial situation, reconnect with your financial advisor, and update your long-term and short-term financial goals. A personalized financial plan is one of the most important places to start. And for those of you who already have a financial plan… Read the full article.

6 years ago

The Week in Review: Performance updates from Cabana’s CEO – January 16, 2018

Market insight and a highlight of Cabana’s year-to-date performance: Cabana’s six portfolios range from “Conservative” to “Aggressive” and include an income strategy portfolio. Performance is as of market close on January 15, 2018 and is presented net of maximum advisory fees and commissions. All the Cabana Portfolios were impressively positive for the second week in… Read the full article.

7 years ago

The Week in Review: Performance updates from Cabana’s CEO – January 9, 2018

Market insight and a highlight of Cabana’s year-to-date performance: Cabana’s six portfolios range from “Conservative” to “Aggressive” and include an income strategy portfolio. Performance is as of market close on January 8, 2018 and is presented net of maximum advisory fees and commissions. We saw impressive returns in all of Cabana’s portfolios this week. Cabana’s… Read the full article.

7 years ago

The Year in Review: Performance updates from Cabana’s CEO – January 2, 2018

Market insight and a highlight of Cabana’s year-to-date performance: Cabana’s six portfolios range from “Conservative” to “Aggressive” and include an income strategy portfolio. Performance is as of December 31, 2017 and is presented net of maximum advisory fees and commissions. Happy New Year to our family, friends, clients and partners! Below is a high-level overview… Read the full article.

7 years ago

The Week in Review: Performance updates from Cabana’s CEO – December 26, 2017

Market insight and a highlight of Cabana’s year-to-date performance: Cabana’s six portfolios range from “Conservative” to “Aggressive” and include an income strategy portfolio. Performance is as of market close December 22, 2017 and is presented net of maximum advisory fees and commissions. Cabana’s core portfolios were all down slightly for the week in response to… Read the full article.

7 years ago

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

It’s here! What many consider to be the most wonderful time of the year! Last-minute shopping, baking, and party prep; festive music in every store and restaurant, and on every website and commercial – the season is in full swing! While it is during this time that I find myself reflecting on seasons past, spending… Read the full article.

7 years ago

Informational Resources in Light of Bitcoin Euphoria

As the euphoria for Bitcoin and other digital cryptocurrencies continues to buzz, we at Cabana know that many have more questions than answers, and wanted to provide our clients with some helpful information and resources pertaining to digital cryptocurrencies. After all, the principals of Cabana are attorneys and we thought it only appropriate to compile… Read the full article.

7 years ago

2017 Year-End Action Items and Planning Guide

As 2017 comes to a close, we encourage our clients to stay informed and up-to-date on any and all year-end financial housekeeping. This summary addresses common year-end tax, retirement planning and estate planning strategies, in addition to a 2017 year-end state of the market. Issues and suggested actions are addressed at a general level and… Read the full article.

7 years ago

The Week in Review: Performance updates from Cabana’s CEO – November 28, 2017

Market insight and a highlight of Cabana’s year-to-date performance   Cabana’s six portfolios range from “Conservative” to “Aggressive” and include an income strategy portfolio. Performance is as of market close November 27, 2017 and is presented net of maximum advisory fees and commissions. All Cabana Portfolios were up for the week, ranging from +0.92% (Conservative)… Read the full article.

7 years ago

The Week in Review: Performance updates from Cabana’s CEO – November 21, 2017

Market insight and a highlight of Cabana’s year-to-date performance    Cabana’s six portfolios range from “Conservative” to “Aggressive” and include an income strategy portfolio. Performance is as of market close November 20, 2017 and is presented net of maximum advisory fees and commissions. All Cabana Portfolios were up over the past week. The Balanced Portfolio… Read the full article.

7 years ago

So Much to Be Thankful For

This year was a monumental one for the Cabana team. In just 12 months, the company’s assets under management grew by approximately 1,400 percent; we welcomed new employees, established roots in two new offices, not to mention our team members who have celebrated milestone birthdays, had babies, engagements and more! While the list of amazing… Read the full article.

7 years ago

The Yield Curve: What is it and why is it important?

The “yield curve” is simply the difference between short and long-term interest rates. Short-term rates (2-year bond) are greatly influenced by central bankers (the Federal Reserve) in their attempts to stimulate the economy, support employment and contain price inflation. Long-term rates (20-year bond) are dictated by the market and forces associated with supply and demand…. Read the full article.